Some basics of using Vuex with Nuxt JS - with Example

Some basics of using Vuex with Nuxt JS - with Example

We all know that Vuex is a very powerful state management system when used with VueJS. And when you are using it with NuxtJS, it’s even more fun to use. But sometimes it is a little confusing. Mainly in the initial stage of setting up the Store. What I did to save some time on the configuration process is I created a set of code snippets. I am going to share them here with instructions so others can get benefit from them.

Nuxt Store Example (index.js)

export const state = () => ({
  job_ids: []

export const mutations = {
  STORE_JOB_IDS(state, job_ids) {
    state.job_ids = job_ids

export const actions = {
  storeJobIds({commit}, job_ids) {
    commit('STORE_JOB_IDS', job_ids)

export const getters = {
  getJobIds(state) {
    return state.job_ids

Nuxt Store Example (cars.js)

export const state = () => ({
  cars: []

export const mutations = {
  STORE_CARS(state, cars) { = cars

export const actions = {
  storeCars({commit}, cars) {
    commit('STORE_CARS', cars)

export const getters = {
  getCars(state) {

Using Actions in Pages

1. Inside asyncData()

store.dispatch('storeJobIds', response)  // for index.js
store.dispatch('cars/storeCars', response)  // for store named cars.js

Make sure to add {store} as a parameter to the async method like below:

async asyncData({ $axios, store })

2. Inside Vue methods

this.$store.dispatch('storeJobIds', response) // for index.js
this.$store.dispatch('cars/storeCars', response) // for store named cars.js

Using Getters in Pages

{{ $store.getters['getJobIds'] }}  // for index.js
{{ $store.getters['cars/getCars'] }}  // for store named cars.js